Superman V. Batman Review


Let me get it out of the way now, watching this movie twice really was worth it. It makes you appreciate it a little more, at least it did for me.  The biggest problem watching this movie is that, it expects you to get what it’s trying to interrupt without really explaining it fully. But once you see it a second time there are pieces that are scattered throughout the movie that will eventually connect and make sense.


The movie starts with Bruce arriving to Metropolis, as the battle between Superman and Zod is raging on (at the end of Man of Steel). He’s racing to one of his Wayne Towers, as destruction is happening all around him.  He is on the phone with a friend that is in this  tower but when he gets there, it’s too late. The building is destroyed, leaving him with a little girl that just lost mother in building that was also demolished because of this fight.  They both look up, helplessly and they see the super-man doing more harm than good. As superman is trying to defeat Zod, he is destroying endless building with people inside them. This is where Batman’s anger for Superman develops.  Bruce is introduced to the power that is now present in his world. Batman is scared of the power that Superman brings, and also the power that the enemies of Superman will have. The fear that he is no match for these kinds of foes sinks in. It creates a fire that will build into a rage that becomes his fuel throughout this movie

Bruce Looking at Superman fighting Zod (Photo: Batman V. Superman/ Warner Bros.)


“He’s an alien that can burn the whole place down, and there’s no damn thing anyone can do about it…” -Bruce Wayne

After this opening scene we see the death of Batman’s parents. The first time I saw this movie I thought that they could have skipped this part because by this time everyone knows how this scene plays out. But I believe that Ben Affleck’s Batman truly is born at this moment. Unlike other Batman movies that purely show this scene to establish a kick off point for their movie. This movie uses this scene to give a reason to what Bruce and ultimately Batman will become.

As the gunman aims the gun at the Wayne family, Thomas Wayne (Bruce’s father) looks at the gunman and crunches his fist and tries to punch him to protect his family. Only after this the gun man shoots. There is a little indication that the gunmen didn’t want to shoot but Thomas falls to the floor, (the gunman looks in terror as he looks at what he has done) and then second later, in an act of rage Martha Wayne (Bruce’s mother) attacks him as well, and the gunmen shoots her as well. The gunman runs and leaves young Bruce by himself. Alone with the empty hallows bodies that use to be his parents.  The scene ends with Thomas looking at his dying wife, and with his last breath he says “Martha…”

In this scene we see the personality that both of Bruce’s parents had, they attack. Both of them didn’t  waste time on reasoning with this gunman. They believed the best outcome for situation will come from their  fist.  It comes naturally form them, and this trait will be passed down to their son. With this action we have a glimpse into this Batman’s psyche. That is why we see this Batman have less mercy than his other movie counterparts.

This sequence is burned into Bruce’s mind for his whole life.  It’s safe to say he replays this moment through his life time, over and over again. It’s also important to remember, as he replays this event the last thing he always hears his father say is …”Martha…” This is crucial to understand Batman’s actions later on.

As the movie goes on, Superman is put on the spot light by the media. Asking if the human race is ready to accept a god figure like Superman in our world. Something he truly doesn’t care for but, while he is getting bombarded with questions like , “if existence is actually helping the people on Earth?”, Batman on the other hand is going on a one man tear, brutally hurting criminals, and branding them with his Batman logo. Superman  finds out that, any criminal in jail with this mark will eventually be killed. Unknown to Superman, Batman is doing this because he is looking for any leads on a certain stone that could weaken Superman.

Bat Branding (Photo: Batman V. Superman/ Warner Bros.

Superman is trying to bring this story out to the public, by writing a piece in the Daily Planet (where he works as Clark Kent). But for some reason that is never truly explained, his boss (Morpheus, no it’s just played by Laurence Fishburne) doesn’t let him and he is stuck writing Football news. This gets Clark frustrated. He feels that, while Superman is trying to do the right thing he continued to be called out on all of his actions but, Batman is actually doing harm and nobody cares. The final straw will be when unknowing to him, (Superman doesn’t know too much in this movie) Lex Luther sends him pictures of the people who Batman has beaten into a pulp and has written with red marker, “judge, jury and executioner”. He knows he has to stop Batman.

The person pulling the strings is Lex Luther. He is the person that gives Batman hope to destroying him allowing him to know that he is going to have a rock of kryptonite (the only thing that can make Superman weak) in his possession. When Batman is aware of this, he sits out to steal the kryptonite from Lex’s transport. As the kryptonite is being transferred to Lex’s location, Batman is trying to do anything to take it. He is driving in his awesome bat mobile, being reckless to the point where he might be killing people.  In this scene you see the pure determination that this Batman has. He has one goal; get that kryptonite, and he is going to do everything in his power to get it. Its looking promising, until he turns right into a corner and superman is standing right in front of him. By this point we have seen the Bat mobile take machine gun fire, rockets, ramming through concrete walls and it has come out without a scratch but this is Superman.There is a slow motion scene , right before he hits him.  You see the fear in Batman eyes, the all-knowing truth that if Superman decides to attack there is “no damn thing that he can do about it”  Batman is in shock that Superman is in front of him and doesn’t have the time to break, he hits superman full on and the car goes flying to the side and its half way from being totaled. Meanwhile Superman didn’t even blink an eye. Then Superman flies to Batman, (still in the car, bewildered from the crash) Superman breaks  the roof off the car, stands in front of Batman (Batman take off his sit belts stand up). This is the first scene we see Batman and Superman, and it’s intense. Superman then goes and tells Batman “The next time you see the bat signal, don’t go to it. The bat is dead. Bury it… consider this mercy”.  Batman simply replies “tell me…. do you bleed? (Superman flies away)… you will”.

Superman and Batman Stare Down (Photo: Batman V. Superman/ Warner Bros.)

Lex Luther is played by Jesse Eisenberg. I believe he was miscast-ed. He is a mixture of the joker, The Riddler and an angry teenager. He talks too fast, he only talks in riddles, and then he goes on, on how he is scared to change anything around his house because he is scared that his dead father would be mad. There is a scene  that  stands out for me, where is negotiating his terms to a commander and he slides a jelly rancher into the commanders mouth… like what the fuck, I don’t know if this was meant to seem intimating or just weird.. But you really can’t take this character seriously. He is here to create the friction between Superman and Batman and he does this pretty well. Mind you it takes a second viewing to understand his plan from the start. The movie tells you later on that Lex is the one pulling the strings, but while you’re watching the movie the only thing you can do, is try to make sense of what you’re watching.

Jessie Eisenberg as Lex (Photo:Batman V. Superman/  Warner Bros.)

Lex’s True Purpose:  He gets the ball rolling on the actual fight. He is the reason why there is a Superman vs. Batman. It’s sad when you think about it. I mean yes Lex Luther would be a character to make this happen in the comics… but not this version. I just can’t buy it. I wonder if the direction could have been taken somewhere else but at least it got us to the main reason for this movie. THE FIGHT.

Superman arriving to fight Batman (photo: Superman v. Batman/Warner Bros)

By this time, on my first watch I thank god I lasted this far into the movie. The movie is all the over the place and it doesn’t have that many fighting scenes. It forces you to watch scenes that will get you emotionally invested, well into Superman to be exact, it just didn’t work. Buuuut…. Seeing Batman in his metal Suit about to fight Superman was enough to make this movie worth its existence.


This whole fight starts when Lex kidnaps Superman’s Mother and also Lois Lane. Lex drops Lois from a tall building and as she is falling down and screaming, Superman grabs her.He puts her down on the ground and flies back up to Lex. Then Lex tells Superman, the only way you’ll see your mother is by killing the Batman. (By this time Batman is waiting for Superman in Gotham City, armed with kryptonite  weapons and all).  Superman flies  to Batman with the intention of talking to him and working things out. Batman doesn’t want to hear it. Batman attacks and gets thrown through a wall, and while Superman is flying to him Batman pops him with a kryptonite gas and for the first time the odds are in Batman’s favor.

Batman Blacks Superman’s Punch (Photo: Batman V. Superman/ Warner Bros)

Superman is beaten. Batman has a spear with a kryptonite tip and he cuts Superman to make him bleed. As Batman is about to kill him, Superman utters “Martha, you’re going to let him  kill Martha..(Superman’s mom, coincidence right?)” At this point Batman’s head is spinning. Hearing that name.. that name of his mother, the last word his father ever said.  Batman throws his weapon and the fight is over.Okay, so this is  how they end the fight, its not  the  best way to end a fight, I wish they could of done something better, but oh well.(I mean its stupid as fuck but i get it… he says “Martha” so yea of course Batman will stop destroying this demigod (sarcasm)). Fights over then Superman tells Batman that Lex has his mother and they both find out, that  Lex is creating a monster in a kryptonian ship. Batman promises Superman that his mother wont die.  So Batman goes to save Martha, and Superman goes to Lex.

The fighting scene that Batman engages in before he saves Martha, might be the best fighting in the movie. There are around 9 henchmen  and Batman takes down all of them. The  way it’s directed, shows  how Batman  should fight. The scene is done so well I am looking forward to a stand alone Batman film just to see more  henchmen take downs.

Lex creates Doomsday. A monster that is as strong or even stronger than Superman. The best thing that came out of this fight is the reveal of Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot.

Wonder Woman revealing herself and saving Batman from a Doomsday blast (Photo: Batman v Superman/ Warner Bros.)

Throughout the movie, Wonder Woman and Bruce Wayne have been playing cat and mouse with one another. Until this scene she has been a mystery, but her reveal  was one of the stand out moments of this movie.  The main scene that gives this franchise hope and promise,  is when Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all shared the screen for the first time. Seeing them and their short dialogue with one another was really encouraging. It showed that even if this movie isn’t great or has a solid plot line.. you don’t need that with these characters. These are COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS!! Make a decent story, give them time to interact with one another and you’ll have a good product. Instead this movie isolates them for one another until the very end.


Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman looking  at Doomsday (Photo: Batman V. Superman/ Warner Bros.)



So they fight Doomsday.. blah blah blah Superman dies.  Lex gets arrested for being..? a creator of fucken doom.  Batman “visits” him in jail. Lex tells Batman,”the bell has been rung” and “that Devils don’t come from the ground but the sky..” This is no doubt a reference to Darksied ( one of the strongest foes in the DC universe)

Devils come from the sky painting . Located in Lex’s home.

The movie ends with Batman and Wonder Woman coming to the conclusion that they need to form a team, hence the name Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice…. League.  Back when Batman was trying to steal information on the kryptonite location he stumbled into some files, that revealed The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg. The last scene is, Batman and Wondering standing by Superman’s burial  site deciding they are going to recruit these guys.




The Verdict.

This movie could have been better but, considering everything, it’s a solid point to build a franchise on.Yes it has its flaws and there are many scenes that throw people off, like when Batman is shooting people.  Mind you these is in a dream state, and the hell, the world has gone to shit. Darksied has taken over, and Superman is a dictator.At this point there is no turning back, so yes I could see why he is using guns at this moment in time but the movie doesn’t tell you this, it already assumes you  know.

Darksied symbol on the ground.  Batman looking at a destroyed Earth (photo: Superman V. Batman/Warner bros.)

The other thing that this movie doesn’t do a good job elaborating on all the Hellenization sequences. The movie just cuts to them with no regard, or no explanation. Like when, the flash rips through time and explains to Bruce that, “he was always right about superman, and that Lois is the key”. If this was explained better, people would  have an easier time understanding whats going on here and looking forward to the possibilities that could happen in this DC universe (Superman turns evil) instead, we are left with a “wait what was that about”, moment.

Superman was the weak link here, he needed to play a  more concrete role. They really held him back in this movie, very little lines,  no character building.  It seemed like they gave up on him after the first movie and just told Ben to carry this movie. Which he did.

Oh, one last thing: This Alfred is like no other. Jeremy Irons did not stray away from this dark, gritty Batman, he was right there with him. Alfred’s scenes with Bruce were some of the best in this movie. They just made it seem like they truly have seen hell, and both of them came back alive. These guy’s chemistry is just on another level compared to any other two actors in this movie. Its simply beautiful to watch two people who really infused themselves in their roles and just gave it their all.


Only time will tell how good this movie is, there are things are not  explained, like what happened to Robin, and why is Wayne Manor burned down.

Bruce looking at Robins Costume, that the Joker has spray painted on, “HAHA Jokes on you Batman”

Suicide Squad is coming out in the next couple of months, we will have a better understanding in the direction of these films until then  it’s just nice to see that DC has finally made something that they could build off.

It’s finally nice to say we have our DC Cinematic Universe.







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